Drone Robots Market, 39% of Growth to Originate from North America

Staff Report From Georgia CEO

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

The global drone robots market size is estimated to grow by USD 8.78 billion from 2023 to 2027, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 31.59% during the forecast period. North Americais estimated to contribute 39% to the growth of the global market.

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The Drone Robots Market report forecasts market growth by revenue at global, regional & country levels from 2017 to 2027. 

Region Outlook

  1. North America

  2. Europe

  3. APAC

  4. South America

  5. Rest of the Middle East & Africa

1. North America - In the coming years, North America is expected to see a big increase in drone use, contributing around 39% to this growth by 2027. Analysts at Technavio have talked a lot about what's happening in different areas and what's driving and challenging the market. In places like the U.S., drones are being used a lot, especially in the military, defense, and business sectors.

  • Back in 2020, most of the money made from drones came from businesses, about 57% of it. People are using drones more for things like taking pictures from the sky and even racing them for fun. This is helping the market grow in the region.

  • Businesses are starting to use drones for delivering stuff too, especially as more people buy things online. The U.S. is a big player in making and using drones for delivery, which is important as more and more people shop online. This trend is expected to keep pushing the drone market forward in North America in the coming years.

Research Analysis

The market for drone robots is buzzing with activity across various sectors like entertainment, construction, agriculture, and logistics. Drones equipped with cameras and sensors are revolutionizing industries by providing real-time data collection and processing. From infrastructure inspection to disaster response, these drones play a crucial role in ensuring safety and efficiency.

In agriculture, drones are becoming indispensable for tasks like crop monitoring, weed control, and precision farming. With advanced sensor technologies like LiDAR and thermal imaging, farmers can optimize crop management and increase yields. Swarming technology enables drones to work together efficiently, covering large areas in less time.

In the entertainment sector, drones are used for aerial filming and aerial entertainment shows, adding a new dimension to performances. Meanwhile, in construction and infrastructure, drones aid in site surveying, 3D mapping, and monitoring progress.

The market dynamics are shaped by advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms, enabling drones to autonomously navigate and make decisions. Furthermore, the integration of IoT devices and smart sensors enhances capabilities like asset management and remote monitoring.

Overall, the drone robots market is witnessing rapid growth driven by technological innovation and increasing demand across diverse industries.

Market Overview

This market research report looks into the use of drone robots in various fields. Drone robots are flying machines that can do many tasks without human control. They're handy in agriculture, where they can keep an eye on crops from above and help with things like monitoring growth and spotting problems early on. In aerial surveillance, drone robots are used by governments and businesses to keep an eye on large areas, like forests or borders, from above. In geological prospecting, they can explore hard-to-reach places and gather data about the Earth's surface.

Ground-based robots are another type, they're like little cars that can move around on their own. They're useful in agriculture for tasks like harvesting crops or getting rid of weeds. Remote monitoring means using drone robots to keep an eye on things from far away, like checking on wildlife in a nature reserve.

Soft robotics is a cool new area where robots are made from squishy materials instead of hard metal. Automated milking systems are used on farms to milk cows without people having to do it by hand. And IoT-enabled trackers help keep track of things like packages or wild animals.

Overall, drone robots have a lot of potential in many different fields and industries.

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